GayGate help
- Viewing webcams and broadcasting your own
- Searching for users
- Sending and receiving messages
- Your ad
- I have not received any activation mail
- Your ad's title
- How to block users
- Editing your profile
- I forgot my password
- What happens when I provide my location?
- Reply logged off
- I want to change my password or e-mail address
- Sending and reading messages
- My photo is not displayed
- My question is not listed
Viewing webcams and broadcasting your own
Want to broadcast with your own cam? Click the button 'start webcam broadcast' located in the lower left corner. A pop-up will appear with your own cam image. Commence with giving permission to broadcast your webcam stream. Your browser will give you a warning about this. Choose 'allow' in order to broadcast.. If your image is not being broadcasted, click on 'adjustments' displayed in the webcam window with your right mouse button. Then click on 'allow'. It is essential to check whether you have selected the right webcam. When you're done, make sure you've turned off your webcam accurately.